Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August # 29-A Letter to My 18 year old self

Here is a letter to my 18-year old self!  From the viewpoint of the 70+ Me!

18 year old Me
Dear Jay,

Here you are just starting have many challenges before you, but nothing you can not handle!!  You are going to experience many wonderful things; travel to many wonderful places; come in contact with many wonderful people.

You are living history!  Many changes are going to take place in your lifetime...many inventions; many social changes; leaps and bounds in health care; a shrinking of the world and much!!

You are going to meet a tall, dark handsome stranger who will become your best will become a mother, a grandmother, a will live in many interesting places and you will learn many fantastic things

So don't be afraid of the holds wonders for you!  Remember to keep your desire to learn at the foremost and to keep an open, generous mind!  Life is good!!!

Your "older" self,  Jay

1 comment:

  1. You look so mature at 18!! Aside from a haircut and maybe some wrinkles, you look exactly the same...beautiful then beautiful now.

    Great letter to yourself.
