I also must update my gripe. Apparently I was not the only one upset about the Star Telegram having only one crossword puzzle, because after a couple of days, they managed to get them both back in...still no Non-Sequitor though!!
One more thought, there was a letter in the paper about this new gun policy...."right to bear arms, etc". I had an epiphany on that...when our forefathers wrote that Bill of Right, they were not "bearing" automatic weapons, nor hanging around in a gang etc. Okay, then if we are going to have that policy then I think it should be strictly to the original thinking and the only guns that could be carried would be what they had 200 years ago...the good ol' one shot musket!!! That would slow the crazies down if they had to reload after every shot!!
Later...it is now evening...raining outside with the possibility of hail so we went out to cover
the tomatoe plants, just in case! Our "studio Q" meeting today was great fun...we didn't do just exactly what we thought we would...there were nine of the thirteen here. We had our show and tell...always terrific, seeing what everyone has been doing and discussing how they did it. We traded our blocks for the last time; we will get our own back at the next meeting. And we made plans for our next personal "Q" challenge. By then it was lunchtime and we decided to wait and do the embellishment activity when the Originator of the Idea could be with us.
I showed my Bridesmade quilt...I dyed the center rays which had been bright white satin. I just loved what everyone had done to the borders but thought it was too white. See what you think.

The one on the left is before...the one on the right is after I added a golden dye. Now I just need to decide how I want to quilt it and put a binding on it.