Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Graduation 2012

Actually my granddaughter's high school graduation is tomorrow night, but we just got home from a family get together to celebrate as the graduation night will be a little hectic!  And  I did give her the t-shirt quilt tonight....her dad said, that needs to be kept special...I said...no...I want her to use it...I want to see it in four years come home in rags...that she will have pictures to see what it looks like!!!!
Front of t-shirt quilt
Back of t-shirt quilt (can you guess where she is going to college?)

I didn't get my 15 minute- challenge posted today, but I can say that I did have at least 15 minutes every day of sewing/ sketching completed!!  I also got my Cotton Robin mailed off today and will post it when I hear that everyone has received theirs.  We have been requested to not show until that time!

And my other daughter is experiencing some wonderful sites in England right now...am anxious to see her and hear all about her trip...I think she was doing Stonehenge tonight!


  1. Congrats to your daughter on her graduation! The T-shirt quilt turned out great. I was trying to figure out just how orange that back was, because both OSUs (Okalhoma and Oregon State U's colors are orange and black).

  2. University of Texas..also orange and white!!

  3. Looks great! Did you receive your quilt from me?
