My lovely little home town was very fortunate to be part of the Carnegie Library Program. As I have told before, my mom was quite the reader...she made sure her kids read at an early age...thus giving me a love for books that has remained with me throughout my lifetime. I have spent MANY hours in this beautiful building. Even as a little kid...8 or 9, I would ride my ol' faithful bike to the library; would sit in the some what dark but rich with wood and brass fixtures, room for children and read. On days when others were out playing ball, I could be found with my nose in a book.
The librarian knew all of us, of course. A little lady, Miss Schadel, adored my mother! Whenever new books came in, she would call my mom and hold them for her until mom or one of us could go pick them up! My mom even served on the library board for many years, so the library was like a second home to me on many rainy days...or even sunny days when I could get away!
Carnegie Library-Pittsfield, Illinois |
The public library of Pittsfield has 23,000 volumes and 1,634 members. It provides a variety of services like homebound book service, cassettes, interlibrary loan, large print books, magazines, microfilm, microfilm reader/printer, paperback exchange, reference materials, talking books, videos, audio books, genealogy material and story hour.
The Library in its earliest form started in 1855 with 40 members and 400 volumes. Among the first trustees was John G. Nicloay, then editor of a local newspaper and later to become personal secretary to President Abraham Lincoln. The library moved to its current location (Exhibit 3.11) on May 9, 1907 when it was also opened to the public.
Andrew Carnegie |
Born: November 25, 1835
Died: August 11, 1919
Andrew Carnegie's life was a true "rags to riches" story. Born to a poor Scottish family that immigrated to the United States, Carnegie became a powerful businessman and a leading force in the American steel industry. Today, he is remembered as an industrialist, millionaire, and philanthropist. Carnegie believed that the wealthy had an obligation to give back to society, so he donated much of his fortune to causes like education and peace.