This week...busy week...I attended a two day workshop sponsored by my quilt guild. The artist who taught the class was
Larkin Van Horn, a fabulous fiber artist whose current speciality is beading. Now her beading is not your everyday beading! Her work is simply out of this world. I had taken a class from her a couple of years ago and learned some very good basic skills...but what I learned this week was 'way beyond my expectations.
Here is just one example of her sure to click on her name to go to her website and see more of her wonderful creations!!
A closeup of the above medallion. |
And the very beginnings of my medallion!
At the beginning of the workshop, Larkin warned us to not expect to complete the beading and probably not the background. And she was right!! It is a very slow process but I really love it!!! I think I have a new addiction!!! I'll post progress as I go.
Tomorrow is our monthly guild meeting where Larson will speak to the entire membership present. Although I will be there and look forward to hearing her, I would really love to stay home and work on my medallion....maybe with cooler weather approaching I will feel like staying home and getting some of my projects done!!!!
I am thinking you need good eyesight and nimble fingers for such detailed work!