“When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes.” – Erasmus
My new (used) purchases! |
I'm not as bad as Eramus (see quote above) but I do like my books and am a real sucker for book sales! The public library here in Fort Worth has a used book store and a couple times a year they have a huge book sale. I had not attended the sale before, so last weekend, I thought I'd check it out! OMG! The paperback books were .50 cents each and hardbacks were $1.00. And almost all of them, at least the ones I got, were in very good condition. Now here is my true confessions! I got 25 paper backs ($12.50) and seven hardbacks ($7.00).
My mini library |
I don't think I ever showed off my mini library. When I was having my fireplace done, I had the guys put in a few shelves behind my front door...which is to the left in the picture, and a coat closet to the right. Probably half of those books are already read...many are books I want to keep but with my new purchases, I need to sort out and get rid of some of the read ones. The nice thing is I can donate them right back to the library so someone else can get a bargain!
Anyway, what with sooo many books to read, I still listen to audio books when doing mundane jobs...cleaning, exercising, etc.. So I have several audios to review for you as well as a couple reads.
An audio book, non fiction, which is not my favorite genre, but I like every once in awhile. This is about the William Dodd family (no "S" so no relation) who is the Ambassador to Germany from 1933-1937. His wife, son and daughter, both young adults, joined him. The book described the period very well. For one interested in pre WWII Germany would enjoy this book.
A typical suspense/crime novel (audio)...good Baldacci!
A suspense who done it....really kept my attention....but not to spoil it, the ending was disappointing to me. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads what you think. This was an audio for me.
This is a ringer! I was really taken by it...although it was an audio, I think it would be a really good read. Involving some interesting characters...interesting setting...intrigue galore!
Another audio suspense...characters one can really relate to...the suspense is subtle, kind of quietly comes on you. It was read with an English blue collar accent, not quite cockney, because I could understand it. Would probably be a good actual read.
This was one of my favorites! It follows the life of a North Korean woman from probably early 1920-30's to modern times...her struggles and joys...her children. Really describes the people, locale, and politics of the time. Very apropos for our times! I listened to this but may have to read it sometime. The author was interviewed on NPR just recently.
And now a few "real" books I have read recently:
If you are an
Andrew Wyeth fan, you will appreciate this book. One of his most famous paintings is "
Christina's World"; Christina was a real person, a neighbor of Wyeth's in Maine and Kline's book is a well-researched story of her life, intertwined with Wyeth. I loved this book!
By the author of "A Man Called Ove", Fredrick Backman, comes a story of fantasy, childhood, neighbors in conflict and coming together when threatened. Backman did it again...completely enthralling.
This is not a new book, but one that has been on my shelf for awhile. The reviews for this are very diverse! It seems to be either a hate or a love book. I must have been in the right frame of mind to really like it...the main character is not a very endearing person...I wanted to just slap her silly about every other page, but the over all story really grabbed me...even brought me to tears a couple of times!
I don't think I ever reviewed Harper Lee's "sequel" to "To Kill A Mockingbird". I have had this book for quite awhile and resisted reading it. I loved "Mockingbird" so much and had read some very unfavorable reviews that I was afraid it would ruin Atticus Finch for me. It didn't; he is still a wonderful character...this is not nearly as gripping as "Mockingbird", but still a good read. It's almost like two different sets of characters to me.
One of my favorite authors, Anita Diamant, and one of those for women only books...guys would not appreciate nor understand the relationships between these two women. And this is the first of three "Cancer" books that I have read lately!
This book was a pick for one of the two book clubs I am in, a non-fiction. It is not one I would have probably chosen for myself, but, in a way, that is one of the many perks of belonging to a book club. My book reading is expanded by the different types of writing our members like and exposes me to a new way of looking at things. This was the second of my "cancer" books; it is non-fiction; a real gripping autobiography of a young woman, thirty-eight I think, who is dying from cancer. It is a very quick read, conversational in form. I would recommend it but be forewarned, it is a hard topic!
And my current read, also a book club choice for this month...my third cancer book, but also a story of legal rights, family, love, fear. This is a very good read...I am about halfway through and am thoroughly intrigued by what may happen. Even though I haven't finished (and I am not one to read the last page to find out what happens!) I will recommend it as a book to read.